Monday, March 29, 2010

Denver Photos

A forewarning: the photos have the most rudimentary of post-processing (very basic editting). Sorry if my colors are off, the ibook G4 I am traveling with has terrible display colors.
Chchchchchchcheck it!

#1 your interpretation

#2 looking up at the ceiling in Union Station, Downtown Denver, CO

#3 side view of the seating area in Union Station
#4 fallen sign on the train tracks

#5 read.

#6 too hard to explain (wooden seats by the strange metal panels near the train tracks..)
#7 bridge cables

#8 reflections

#9 teenagers walking up this grassy hill at a local park
#10 hm.

#11 Denver, you are one smart city.
#12 in Denver too.

1 comment:

Edify said...

#8 looks cool! Because the puddle is uneven and as such the reflection shows different parts!